Thursday, January 17, 2008

Whale Message

The recent incident with the taking of prisoners (POW’s you could call them, since there seems to be a war out there in the high seas), with the Australian group and ship, Oceanic Viking, a group of activists being seized by the Japanese whaling vessel, and said to have kidnapped them (hardly true, if they willingly boarded the ship without permission, it is more like invading on the Australian part, stupidly invading may I add). There is a lot of principles involved here, principles that are not necessarily shared by each other, that is, one group to the other group. Let us say, the Saviors against the Hunters. It has alarmed governments, both calling the other terrorists, and both for good reasons. There should be a whale message here. Let’s look at it.
Should we be killing whales? It is said to be against Australian Law, and perhaps principles (this may be come a bigger issue, now it is really the Oceanic Viking view). It is not against Japan’s law, or principles, plus, it has been blessed by international law, like it or not, the Japanese vessel was not subject to Australian law, Australian law was—I would think—subject to international law, and in violation of it.
The two men who boarded the Japanese ship did not have permission, it was to me like breaking and entering; had they done that in my house, I would have shot them before they made it through the door. Anyhow, these folks without permission were tied somehow to the ship, and this has provoked a lot of criticism for Japan. And to be quite honest, it was not the smartest thing for the Captain of the ship to have allowed. I would have thrown them down in the whale hall, and let them rest until they got back to Japan—since they invaded the ship, thus, let them lie where they lay, and let the governments talk it out. Australia has to look at the side view here, did the two really expect to get a wholesome welcome? Come on now, we all know better, you look for trouble, you find it, and you cry after you get what you perhaps deserve. When you do such foolish things, do not expect the bad guys, so you have labeled them, to treat you like their heroes.
I am not talking about whale killing really, I am talking about something else, and it is called, ‘Confining Power.’ One party felt they could and had the ultimate power over the other only to find out, they didn’t. And the world is looking at it, both have their own lusts—that is the problem, the situation, we all know.

It would be too easy, and too simple to ask both governments and parties to simply drop the issue, and start all over. Everyone go home and have a good night sleep, and go according to law, or change the law. But as I said, this is too simple, we like war, and when we get it, we cry for peace.

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