Monday, January 14, 2008

Overview of Dennis Siluk, and his works (1/2008)

Dr. Dennis L. Siluk has been to many of the old as well as new wonders of the world, and of those now running for wonders of Peru, and also the natural seven wonders of the world, such as visiting and going into the Pyramids of Egypt, the Light House, at Alexandra, Egypt, old wonders, and the new, such as Rome’s Coliseum, The Nazca Lines and Stone Forest of Peru (in Cerro de Pasco, Peru, the highest city in the world); also Machu Picchu, and Brazil’s Christ Statue, Chechen Itza in Mexico. The Grand Canyon of the USA and the Amazon along with the Galapagos and Beijing’s Great Wall of China; in addition, some of today’s hotspots, like New Orleans, Lisbon. Dennis has been to over 60-countries and 46-states, you need only look at his website for verification; and I have not really even started to name half the places he has been.
In addition, Mr. Dennis L. Siluk has written 36-books, is on his 37, 38, and 39 at this moment (“Poetry of the Miners;” “Poems of Grieving and Remembering,” and “Jungle Poems out of Peru”). He has over 100,000 readers a month, or 1.2-million readers a year, on his 30-sites, plus the 400-sites that daily take information off his sites for their own sites. There are 1600-enteries of Dennis’ work on the internet as of this writing (1-14-2008). He has over 2200-poems, over 950-articles, and some 300-short stories, and several novels if not more, unpublished, sitting in its 2nd or 3rd draft stages. He is a prolific writer indeed, and has the ingredients to write, that is, he has a lot to write about.
His writings are presently in several languages: English, Spanish, German, and Bosina’s Education system, Korean (along with Chinese and Japanese), and I have seen some in French. Hence, his writtings have circulated the globe, and each book poem, article or writing, be it essay or whateveer, continues to do so.
He has received many awards such as, the English Magazine’s top story for October 2006, and two other awards as a columnist 2004, and 2005. Also he has been appointed poet laureate of two cities in Peru, and the Mantaro Valley as a whole, thus, three times Poet Laureate. And has been acknowledged by two Universities, the Radio Association and the Sociologist School, along with the Journalist School of Peru, as the number one writer for 2006 and 2007; furthermore, he recently received his Doctorate in Education (1 December, 2007) from a Texas University.
He has received letters of appreciation and acknowledgement from: Present Bush (2001); Ex-President Carter, 2006 (Nobel Prize Winner); Arial Sharon (Prime Minister while in the office, in Israel; General, and Nobel Prize Winner) 2005; plus, the Deli Lama (also Nobel Prize Winner) 2006. In addition, he has befriended, and received acknowledge for his work in poetic prose, on the culture of Peru, by: High Senator (of Peru) Keiko Fujimori and Peruvian Historian Maria Rostworowski.

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