Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Blight of Judas!

Don’t look for proofs or conclusions, only a few
Metaphysical acquittals, in:

The Blight of Judas!
(A Speculation, in Poetic Theological Prose)

Judas’s account, or call it legend, has been over simplified in that his act of treason, by those who have written his story, have disrupted it to look as if it was sabotage (preordained): although consensus would prove me more wrong than right, yet, I feel he wasn’t that cleaver to have outwitted all the apostles, and Jesus Christ himself, he is given too much credit for his treachery… Oh well, it did occurred, did it not?

This tragedy one has adapted in history was not accidental, yet, mysterious, nonetheless, in that, how it developed. Is he not like all men, born of sin, and an evil heart? Was Christ’s divinity, a secret among the few and many? What did he inform? Christ’s whereabouts? And so we are led to believe (like sheep to be sheered) he lowered himself into the abyss, the fires of hell, with the corruptible, for thirty pieces of silver…! I doubt that! (If indeed that was the case, Peter denied him tree times, hence, he has saintly company!)

There is more to this reprehensible psychological drama than meets the eye: even though some have said it was in the plan of the Lord, that Judas was his instrument planned long ago…! And as a result, he gave the kiss of domination to Judas’ soul, for what? I doubt so! Did he not have choice of will? If indeed he did, the theological game that the Lord had planted—likened to a mustered seed, far-off in ages yet to be—is miraculous, because the grace of God was not with him, and he placed indifference upon this man’s soul, to hang him for humankind…oh but, should we call this the propagated glory of God, if so, would not history proclaim Him the Infamous Slayer, not the Saviour (?)

Oh no, I do not think Judas, played this game to be a legendary infamous hero, not at all, nor would the Trinity allow this, abominate crime. If so, Judas must have thought Christ less than the word itself—then, and again, this could not be, and far from proven? …yet theologians, the world over, and centuries on… rebuked him, for his hypocritical, contradicting, sharp-edged heresy… (but it was quite the opposite) likened to Paul, the once quarrelsome, argumentive, slanted pious Jew; in the beginning he was no less a betrayer to the truth of the Messiah and maybe God saw this before time, long before the Paul’s birth…who accepted his calling.

Where is the doctrine of theology where Judas claims Jesus Christ needed to redeem man? Did he not know Jesus was Omnipotent? Perchance what he didn’t understated, was that Jesus, did not come to chose between right and wrong, only to announce, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, and in so doing cured the ill, the sick, the leprous, and showed by resurrection, man was invalidated, but he would bring them back—that he was the bridge to cross over from blasphemy, and tyranny, and rebellion—and in the end he was the one the Baptist called the Messiah, the Christ, the Lamb. And in the process he cast out demons—and who else could do such deeds?

Perhaps, just perhaps, Judas was mad, that his king of kings would not take command, by moving the force of the world, with the switch of his hand, as he did with the Red Sea, for Moses; perchance it had to do with extravagance. Therefore, for the greater glory of God, would he not be heroically, and historically, invested in the world kingdom?

Oh yes, he tried to glorify himself, and thus, as theologians have indicated, found Hell…! But not by intent, rather by increasing extortion (for God could read his mind, conceivably before time, I don't know that he did (thus comes pre-destiny, and a man of infamy); but possibly he did not, for He said, “It would have been better had you not been born…” and so there was no curse, that God, in his divine—upon his throne, cast down like lightening upon this man; in essence, Judas’ simply, did not change his formal reasoning, nor his attitude, remaining as he wished, as it always had been; nor was it planned, for Satan was at hand, and like a poisonous viper—like unto like—he was like him, wanting the glory no man nor angelic being could ever have; likened to sitting at the right hand of God Mighty…Himself (or thinking a grasshopper, and rule the earth)!

Judas knew, Jesus could if need be, change things with a switch of his hand, and this was his plan. Perchance, he felt God would not read his mind, like so many of us do, day to day, in front of him, sinning and wearing his cross, and sinning again as if he was blind and lost. Even with a horde of Christian Churches surrounding, we spit on His word, thinking he so far off, he’ll never notice.

…but what Judas didn’t fully understand, was this: that Jesus Christ (like John’s mother who wanted her son to sit at his right had side, Christ said ‘You don’t understand…’ and she didn’t…) Christ could not offend the Trinity (God the Father and the Holy Spirit), nor could they denounce the blood of Christ, and so it was, that the son of God, became the son of man, and humankind’s sacrifice; it was the only thing that could and would cleanse—with out question and reproach (thereafter)—the sins of man, and the Glory of God was taken out of the Judas’ hands, as he would have had it. with the blood of Christ (God in flesh); now there would be no second thoughts, within the house of heaven, and his glory in tack, his name was at stake, where as the switch of his hand, could have reversed such a plight.

Judas, he lay prone, with half-opened eyes; saw the invisible instrument he was for Satan, and the evil labyrinth his mind was in; an unendless unwinding wind. He gazed into a sorrowful pit, at his ends wit, and committed suicide then, while stretching his arms to the heavens, and died.

Note: written 11-26-2008 (No. 2526)

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